Testosterone Enanthate (ZPHC) – (250 mg/ml – 1 ml x 10 vials)




Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone enanthate ZPHC is one of the most popular steroids, which is an esterified testosterone ester. Enanthate is characterized by a long period of action – two to three weeks. The androgenic and anabolic effects are similar to those of your own testosterone. The drug is not toxic to the liver, but significantly reduces the body’s production of testosterone.

Doping control reveals the presence of the drug in the blood within 3 months after the last injection. This steroid promotes a rapid increase in muscle mass, however, this effect is accompanied by a strong accumulation of fluid, therefore, after the end of the course, many athletes experience a significant rollback of the achieved effect.
You can buy Testosterone Enanthate from us in a package of 10 ampoules of 250 mg or in a vial of 2500 mg.


gaining muscle mass;
strengthening of indicators of strength:
Increased spermatogenesis and sex drive;
stimulation of the metabolic processes of phosphorus and nitrogen in the body;
elimination of joint problems;
overtraining prevention;
increased cravings for training and improved overall tone.


This drug is recommended for use by completely healthy adult athletes. Testosterone E injections are given 12 times a week. The dosage is set for each athlete individually and ranges from 250-500 mg. For beginners and 500-100 mg. for experienced “chemists”.  The average course duration is 2-2.5 months, and post-cycle therapy relatives are taken 2.5-3 weeks after the end of the course.  If there are any doubts about the correct dosage, the course should be started with a minimum dose of 250 mg / week, observing the reaction of the body.

The dosage of the drug can be gradually increased. To minimize side effects from the second week of the course, it is recommended to additionally take Proviron. In combined courses of muscle mass gain with Testosterone E, you can use Nandrolone, Oxymetholone, Methandrostenol or Trenbolone in minimum dosages of each steroid.

Side effects

The most significant disadvantage of Testosterone Enanthate is its high degree of aromatization, which causes side effects in the form of gynecomastia, edema and fat deposits. To restore the production of your own testosterone, a course of PCT is recommended.

You can buy Testosterone Enanthate on our website.
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